Solar-powered Solutions to Water Crisis

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Access to electricity and water are two issues that plague Zimbabwe as a nation. These basic amenities, which should be a basic human right, are now a luxury for most communities. Once again necessity breeds innovation, as the Bulawayo and Matabeleland regions have seen a surge in solar-powered initiatives.

Golden Spring Academy of Science and Technology, is a Bulawayo based, startup focused on implementing developmental initiatives through initiatives like their solar borehole projects. These solar-powered boreholes are targeted at communities that have shortages in the water supply. Generally, the aim is to increase community agricultural output and improve the overall standards of living.

Golden Spring Engineers

These solar-powered projects are set to benefit communities that are hard hit by unbearable water and electricity shortages. The water crisis in Bulawayo has had some detrimental effects on areas going for months without water. Resident’s, mostly, in high-density suburbs are forced to travel long distances to source water from surrounding neighbourhoods. One such initiative is the Pumula solar-powered water kiosk, which allows members of that community access to water.

The company founder, Shepherd Ndlovu, an engineer by profession has dedicated his time to finding ways to educate young people about innovation and engineering.

“Our team is made up of young people, and we made it a point to take young people on our surveying and installation missions, to open their minds to the vast possibilities.

In addition, Golden Spring Engineers works with farmers and offers consulting services on possible agricultural mechanisation that increase productivity and efficiency.

However, such efforts of course is not unique to the Golden Spring Engineers. There have been efforts like Econet’s Ugesi Energy which rolled out “Re-Imagine Rural Ugesi mini-grids.” Such initiatives are targeted at electrifying rural Zimbabwe and providing energy to schools, small businesses, and small scale farmers in chosen areas.

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