Phenomenon Technologies have announced that the ed-tech startup through its Sciency App has partnered with MEL Science to provide science experiment kits. MEL Science is a UK based organisation that specialises in subscription based chemistry experiment kits. These kits are intended to offer interactive chemistry lessons with hands on experiments.
Phenomenon Technologies CEO, Nkosana Masuku, said that this partnership will go a long way in revolutionising STEM learning in Zimbabwe and Africa at large.
“Our long term goal is to accelerate the adoption of STEM careers in Africa to meet the demand and shortage of STEM professionals who apply themselves in solving problems met by the continent at large.”
“In science education, children need to learn more in an applied way that can help them develop innovations to societal problems and to do that we need an efficient way to:
- Make students understand science on a micro-levels through technology integration.
- Make students understand science- hands on experiments (not the same old experiments in textbooks). “

Sciency is an educational platform which incorporates augmented reality (AR) and gamification in the science learning process for students. Through AR they are able to bring a portable lab with applied 3D models for learners to comprehend abstract phenomena. The partnership between Phenomenon and MEL Science will allow learners to experience fully immersive science learning. The experiment kits come fully equipped with all the necessary components for experiments. This includes things like beakers, syringes, cups, safety goggles and more.
Phenomenon Technologies is the first African Startup to sign a partnership with MEL Science.
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